The physical test is put together to simulate what we encounter in our work in terms of physical and mental stress and endurance.

Test of endurance and your “heart”

  • 1000m Open water swim

    -Neopren suit
    -Swim goggles
    No time cap
    Must be done with safety boat

    (Not mandatory or in initial test yet)

  • 350m rescue swim w. dummy

    -Neopren suit
    -Swim goggles
    No time cap
    Must be done with safety boat/ crew
    Must be done yearly

    (Not in initial test yet)

  • 400m swim in pool

    Time cap: Men - 8 min. / Women - 9 min.

    Result must be verified by instructor or life guard.

    (Not mandatory or in intial test yet)

  • 2.000m row

    Time cap: Men 7:55 min./ Women 8:55 min.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.

    Choose between ROW or RUN or BIKE

  • 2.500m run

    Time cap: Men 15 min./ Women 17 min.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.

    Choose between RUN or ROW or BIKE

  • 10.000m bike

    Time cap: Men 25 min./ Women 28 min.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.

    Choose between BIKE or RUN or ROW

Test of strength, stamina & your resolve

  • Bench press

    10 reps with 60kg (men) / 35kg (women) UNBROKEN

    Every rep must be from straight arms all the way down and touch the chest without bouncing.
    Butt must stay on the bench during all lifts.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.

  • Pull up

    5 reps (men) / 4 reps (women) UNBROKEN

    Every rep must start with arms straight and end with chin over the bar with an overhand grip.
    Strict, kipping or any style is allowed.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.

  • Sled pull

    50 m with 150kg (men) / 100kg (women)
    As fast as possible

    Standing in one place pull the sled, hand over hand.

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.


    3 rounds for time
    10 burpees
    50m/ 30m sandbag carry 50kg (bear hug style)
    10 deadlift 90kg/ 65kg
    10 thrusters 40kg/ 30kg
    Time cap: 18 min.

    (men/ women)

    Initial test.
    Result must be verified by instructor.
    Mandatory test done yearly.


    Meet Pukie

    3 rounds for time
    10 burpee box jump overs 24”/ 20”
    50m sandbag carry 90kg/ 65kg (bear hug style)
    10 deadlift 120kg/ 80kg
    10 thrusters 60kg/ 40kg
    Time cap: 30 min.

    (men/ women)

    Result must be verified by instructor.
    If one day you feel “stupid”