Send us your event details Download our app LOCAL EVENTS GREENLAND Name your event * Where is your event? * Adresse 1 Adresse 2 By Område/provins Postnummer Land What date? * MM DD ÅÅÅÅ What time does it start? * Time Minut Sekund AM PM What time does it end? * Time Minut Sekund AM PM How many spots do you have? Leave empty if you dont have a limit. Do people need to register? * Yes No Do you have a website for registration? Or a website for more info? http:// Your contact information? * Fornavn Efternavn Phone (###) ### #### Email * Describe your event. * The event repeats itself? Do You want your event to be featured? * It's only 50,- DKK to be highlighted on the "Featured events" link Yes please No thank you Thank you for your submission.We will update the app as soon as possible.